Thursday, May 19, 2011


Are you reading this on facebook or perhaps your rss reader? Then you haven't yet seen the fabulous new redesign of my blog! Countless hour went into it and I can't decide if I like it. Trying to strike a balance between nice to look at and not overly girly/manly is more difficult than I anticipated.
I dislike that making something look cool has to mean that it sould be grey, shiny and covered in penises. Alright the penises are figurative but the sentiment stands: just because I'm a girl and appreciate asthetic doesn't mean I want my page to look like a scrapbook.
Sooo...combine templates with my limited knowledge of html (obtained at minority science camp in '95!) and it's difficult to  avoid a generic mush of webpage.  Go take a look. Did I do ok? Are the waves too much? Are you saying to yourself "Yes Gaby we all understand you're half Japanese no need to remind us"? What do you think of my header? I made it using Paint. What do you think of my header now? Comment!

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

I like it!