Thursday, November 13, 2008

Don't Mess With My Sis

My cute tiny little asian sister took up kickboxing about 2 years ago much to the chagrin of our mother. I'm not entirely sure what got her interested in beating people up but hey now watch out!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Open Letter To President Elect Barack Obama

The Honorable Barack Obama
United States Senate
713 Hart Senate Office Building
, D.C. 20510

By the time you receive this letter, you will likely be our President-elect, an event that we have long anticipated with excitement. We therefore wish to be among the first to congratulate you on your victory, your historic and inspiring campaign, and your hard work all across this nation over nearly two years. You have transformed American politics from a game for cynics and strategists played out in a small number of battleground states, to a nationwide debate that can involve all Americans, no matter the state in which they live or their previous political engagement. This in itself is no small feat, but what is more interesting is that your campaign has made itself a phenomenon that has captured the attention of those Americans through the enunciation of high-minded themes delivered high-mindedly. You have made hope one of the centerpieces of your campaign, and the growth, robustness, and disciplined behavior of your organization so far has given us a concrete token of the rewards of the hope you encourage.

Senator, hope is, as you no doubt know, one of the most powerful emotions we can have. But it is also one of the most delicate. You have successfully conjured it out of the hardened hearts of Americans, and have harnessed it for this election. But now that the election is at an end, the real work must begin. You have built up a strong grassroots organization and much goodwill within this country and abroad. In the long road ahead, you will be tested as all leaders are. Often, the ideas of politicking, pandering and triangulating for the sake of your political career will be seductive. At those moments, sir, please recall that at your bidding, we have shed our cynicism for the chance to have a new kind of President, a leader rather than a politician. Please remember that we are vulnerable because we have invested so much emotion in the hope of a better future and a better government that starts with us (and you) today. Above all, sir, we bid you remember that many of us have entrusted you with our fledgling and nascent hopes, and that it will not be easy or perhaps even possible to generate new hope if these are betrayed. We know you value hope and the engagement of the broad community of Americans. Therefore, sir, we charge you to protect that hope which we have given over to you.

We wish you the very best of luck in your Presidency. For the sake of us all, and for the sake of our faith in a brighter tomorrow, may Providence guide your hand as you take the helm of the ship of state.


Matthew A. Green and Gabriela K.Tanaka
Young People
First-time Campaign Volunteers