Thursday, January 12, 2012

4 am lullaby

Resplendent in his Romulan hair stylings
In the grip of my aunty guilt for living 3 thousand miles away I volunteered to be the sacrificial lamb let my sister sleep through the night, whilst I took over middle of the night baby duty. MISTAKE Ahh precious moments with baby. And now that I smell like baby puke and the once again cute baby is asleep may I present my contribution to the American lullaby:

(set to Brahms's Lullaby. Also force the rhymes like you mean it)

Go to sleep little douche,
shut your big stupid eyes,
if you don't I just might kill
                                      the very next guy.
                                              Oh good now you puked
                                              How lucky am I

I think tonight was just payback for giving him a Romulan Hairdo earlier today.