Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Take That Cherry Blossoms!

Haha East-coasters! Spring has hit Portland at last! I made it down town this past weekend and caught the cherry blossoms in action this year. Last year I kept missing events for my ignorance of timing. It was about June when I wondered when the cherry blossoms that line the Japanese American Memorial downtown would bloom and nearly October when I wondered when the salmon run would occur. Ha! But this year I'm on top of it. I've caught the cherry blossoms and I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the salmon.

cherry tree sky

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mid-Afternoon Heart Attack

Me: Thank you for calling (....) , this is Gaby how can I help you?
Caller: Hi this is Steve from the Oregon STD Lab, is this Gaby?
Me: Yes, (oh god, oh god, I gave blood the other week, do they call you if they find something? Did they find something? It must be important they tracked down my work number. Why are they calling me? This can't be good. Fuck, fuck, Matt is so dead! ARGGG!) this is. How can I help you?
Caller: Your coworker Jim told us you handle our standing media order for TSA plates and I was wondering if you could help me find a price for an item.
Me: Oh yea, sure can! :::head hits desk:::