Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pillows and Hats

Spring started about a month ago here in Portland; unfortunately, this last week has seen a reintroduction of cold, rain, hail and well... winter. Bleh! But no matter, my company gave us a "Spring Holiday," which is just a thinly veiled way of celebrating Good Friday. So yesterday while I was puttering about the house contemplating doing laundry I stumbled upon a post on Lulu's Vintage blog announcing that she would be holding their first annual Easter Hat Parade. My interest was piqued, but only slightly, as my only experience with Easter Hats has been this. And that experience was like walking into a scary warped world of undue privilege and people named Muffy. But then of course there's the hats! And the making of hats! I sighed and buried away the urge to make a hat for a holiday I don't even really celebrate and went to Joann Fabrics to try and find some Super Sculpy clay for a project that has been rattling about in my head for months now. Really, I had convinced myself that the trip to the fabric store was only for clay. But then at the store all the spring flowers and Easter accoutrements were on sale and honestly I ALREADY had a little felt ram that I made sitting at home. How could I not? Half an hour later I was sitting at home covering one of Matt's top hats with moss and carefully trying not to get hot glue on the hat itself. (I had given this hat to Matt when we were 17 and he hasn't worn it because it's too big and he doesn't like the period that this hat is from so I didn't think he would get to angry if it got ruined). In a few hours I had this!

Today we scoffed at the miserable weather and I donned my hat. Matt grabbed the umbrellas and off we went! The ladies we met were sweet though a bit "networky" and I'm not particularly good at that. We had a small but intrepid group and off we went on our parade.

We skipped out a little early and headed back to Pioneer Square to partake in International Pillow fight day. But that is for another post.