Thursday, February 26, 2009

High brow humor

If you've ever lived in an apartment then you know that getting past tenants' mail is a frequent occurrence. Generally one scribbles "return to sender" and the letter is off on its merry way back into the ether of the US Postal system. Yesterday as I was riffling through the mail I got this lovely gem:

I immediately started laughing so Matt came over to investigate. He didn't see what was so funny. I responded "Matt that girl's name isn't pronounced Gina it's pronounced Jenna". So internets what do you think, real person or did someone just get a free "gift subscription" to Men's Health from their nether regions?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hidden Internment

An interesting thing about living on the west coast is that I'm meeting alot more Japanese people and coincidentally enough I even work with another Japanese-Peruvian. A worker of mine who is Japanese-American recognized my last name as Japanese and was excited when he found out I was of Japanese-Peruvian heritage. Apparently his mother works with a group that worked to obtain reparations for interred Japanese-Peruvians and is working to keep memorials of this atrocity alive.

I wrote a little bit about this subject last year when I stopped by Chicago and visited with my Dad's cousin and his wife but unfortunately I don't know to much about the subject. What I do know are small stories that my dad told me of how he spent parts of his childhood hiding out by the beach in Peru to avoid being caught and extradited to America. I didn't really understand the extent of American involvement in rounding up Japanese in Latin American countries. My coworker was kind enough to give me a copy of this video and I wanted to share it with you. Please take a moment and watch it, pass it along, write a history paper for your class, just keep the memory alive.

I corrected all my horrible spelling I should totally check that before I post. But more importantly I got a note from the creators of this film and they would like you to know that if you would like to buy a nice clean copy of this video please visit Progressive Films or if you need instant gratification you can buy a digital download at Amazon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Vampire Kitties! Eeeeeeee!

I've been following the Buffy The Vampire Slayer -Season 8 comic book since it started coming out a couple of years ago. Closely supervised by the creator of the show, Joss Whedon, the comic book has been a delight and, super plus, considered canon. The comic series has been great. It expands on the characters of the show and takes us to places that wouldn't have been possible on a cable tv show budget. This next arc takes us to Japan that apparently seems to be seiged by vampire kitties!